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Pinellas Association of Library Information Specialists
Pinellas Association of Library Information Specialist Constitution & By-Laws
Article I: Name
Section 1 - The name of this organization shall be the Pinellas Association of Library Information Specialists (PALMS).
Article II: Objectives
Section 1 - Mission
a. The mission of PINELLAS ASSOCIATION OF LIBRARY INFORMATION SPECIALISTS is to support school Library Media Technology Specialists through advocating leadership, facilitating collaboration and promoting information literacy.
Section 2 – Belief Statements
a. Every school should have …
 A highly qualified Library Media Technology Specialist certified in Educational Media
 An adequately funded Library Media/Technology program.
 A dedicated media center that is open and engaging.
 A library media program focused on inquiry-based learning and digital citizenship.
 Flexible and equitable access to a diverse collection in a variety of formats which meet the curricular, recreational and specialized needs of
the school.
Article III: Membership
Section 1 - Active membership dues in this association will be $20 a year and shall be open to:
a. Professional or certified Library Media Technology Specialists.
b. Directors/supervisors responsible for library information and media services
Section 2 – Retiree’s membership dues will be one half of regular membership dues $10.
Section 3 – Associate membership shall be offered to persons interested in the improvement of Pinellas County Schools’ library information centers.
a. Associate members will not vote or hold office.
b. Associate members are three quarters of regular membership dues $15.
Article IV: Officers
Section 1 – The elected officers of this association shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a historian/webmaster and a Legislation/FAME liaison.
Section 2 – Officers shall be installed at the annual spring meeting and serve a one year term.
Section 3 – Elected officers plus committee chairpersons appointed by the president shall constitute the Executive Board of the Pinellas Association of Library Information Specialists.
Section 4 – In case of a vacancy in the office of the president, the vice president shall automatically become president.
Section 5 – Vacancies will be filled by special election or by Executive Board appointment approved by the membership.
Section 6 – The immediate past president automatically becomes a member of the board.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1 – The Pinellas Association of Library Information Specialists will hold meetings a minimum of six times a year, including Board Meetings, PLC’s, Socials and Banquets.
Article VI: Amendments
Section 1 – This constitution and by-laws may be amended at any (regular) meeting by a majority vote, the proposed amendments having been submitted in writing and read to the association at a previous meeting or sent to the membership at least one week in advance of voting on proposed amendments.
Article 1: Duties of Officers and Standing Committees
Section 1 – Officers
A. President
1. Prepare arrangements for regular and special association and executive board meeting.
2. Preside at meetings.
3. Appoint standing committee chairpersons and other committee chairperson as needed.
4. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
5. Prepare the agenda for meetings.
6. Inform the Supervisor of Library Media/Technology of association activities.
7. Serve as a member of the executive board.
B. Vice-President
1. Perform the duties of the president in his/her absence or inability to serve.
2. Serve as program chairperson.
3. Serve a consultant to the president.
4. Serve the following year as president.
5. Serve as a member of the executive board.
C. Immediate Past President
1. Perform the duties of the first vice-president in case the first vice-president becomes president for an unexpired part of term in office.
2. Serve as a consultant to the newly elected executive board.
3. Serve as a member of the executive board.
D. Secretary
1. Record minutes of all association and executive board meetings.
2. Distribute minutes of past meetings to all association members by electronic means.
3. Furnish each member of the executive board with a copy of the constitution and bylaws.
4. Forward association records to the new recording secretary after the annual elections.
5. Call meeting to order in the absence of the president and vice-president and preside at the election of a chairperson pre-tempore.
6. Serve as a member of the executive board.
7. Conduct the correspondence of the association, except that which relates to the work assigned to the officers and committees.
8. Send notes through email of the time and place of each meeting to all Library Information Specialists who are members and have paid their dues including the parochial schools, local colleges and private and public librarians prior to the meeting.
9. Read communications, resolutions offered in writing and any other documents to the membership at regular meetings.
10. Keep a file of all correspondence.
11. Notify executive board members of the time and place of board meetings.
12. Handle association publicity regularly and promptly. Attract public notice to association activities through the various communication media.
13. Serve as a member of the executive board.
E. Treasurer
1. Serve as custodian of the association funds.
2. Establish the association bank account so that the treasurer may write checks or, when the treasurer is unable to assume such duties, by the president.
3. Receive all dues and other payments and disburse (by check) only authorized receipted requests for payment.
4. Disburse moneys as voted by the board.
5. Present written itemized report of the receipts and disbursements at association board and regular business meetings.
6. Furnish the president and the secretary with copies of the treasurer’s reports.
7. Assist the executive board in preparing the annual budget.
8. Serve as a member of the executive board.
F. Historian /Webmaster
1. Photograph all association functions and activities.
2. Serve as custodian of the association scrapbook and keep it up-to-date, complete with pictures, newspaper clippings and program examples of all association functions and activities. Maintain internet presence (web & wiki).
3. Obtain various copies of newspaper clippings and articles published in area newspapers.
4. Present receipts of all moneys to treasurer for reimbursement.
5. Serve as a member of the executive board.
G. Legislation/FAME Liaison
1. Keep the executive board and membership informed of legislation (pending or active) affecting library information specialists.
2. Direct lobbying activities of local Library Information Specialists.
3. Monitor and report effects of legislation on local library information center programs.
4. Prepare and direct to the proper legislative body any recommendations from the association.
Section 2 – Standing Committees Chairperson
A. Office
1. The standing committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the association president prior to the closing of the school year.
2. The standing committee chairpersons shall appoint or request the association president to appoint members of the committees.
B. Term
1. The standing committee chairperson and other members of the committee shall serve for one year.
C. Duties - General
1. Present a roster of committee members to the association president.
2. Conduct committee business through written communication or by called meetings.
3. Prepare an annual report including a summary of the activities of the committee.
4. Serve as a member of the board.
D. Duties – Specific Committees
1. Membership Committee
a. Keep a current directory of association members.
b. Encourage all county Library Information Specialists to become association members.
c. Collect membership dues for county and state associations.
d. Issue a membership card to each member upon dues payment.
e. Will be a liaison to:
Private schools
Serve as a liaison between Library Information
Specialists of private schools and the association Board.
Communicate with private schools.
Encourage membership in association.
Public Libraries.
Serve as a liaison between Library Information Specialists and the public libraries’ librarians.
Communicate with public librarians.
Pinellas Reading Council
Serve as a liaison between the Library Information Specialists and the Pinellas Reading Council.
Communicate with the Pinellas Reading Council.
Pinellas Classroom Teachers Association
Serve as a liaison between Library Information Specialists and PCTA
Communicate with the PCTA
2. Hospitality Committee
a. Discover the names of members who are sick, have lost a member of their immediate family, or who have been the recipient of an honor or award worthy of note. Send appropriate correspondence or recognition in the event of a death of a PALMS member a suggested memorial my include a book sent to the school.
b. Welcome new Library Information Specialists to the PALMS.
c. Prepare and serve refreshments when desired at regularmeetings in conjunction with the host school.
d. Arrange any special preparations for dinner meetings.
3. Awards Committee
a. Members consist of honorees from previous year or whoseadministrators were honored the previous year.
b. Distribute materials to administrators and Library InformationSpecialists to solicit entries.
c. Select judges for entries including Supervisor of LibraryMedia/Technology.
d. Select one candidate for each of the elementary and secondary(middle/high school) levels for LIS of the year and administrator of the year. Organize award reception; publicity to media andschool board; engraving of plaques, gifts.
e. Recognition of support personnel in the LibraryMedia/Technology Office.
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